venerdì 5 marzo 2010


Un paio di orecchini di gusto un po' etnico: sono realizzati con dischi di avorio, pasta sintetica, microsfere e polveri metalliche, madreperla nera, perle di agata, gocce e coppette in argento indiano.
A pair of earrings with an exothic taste: they're made with vintage ivory chips, black mother-of-pearl, polymer clay, metallic powders and microspheres, agathe beads, silver drops and caps.

2 commenti:

  1. Belíssimos!

    Lúcia e Bia

  2. This work is so beautifully organic - it looks like it could be made no other way - as if it grew out of the ground or was a blossom on a flowering tree. It just fits!


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